
Vocals and guitar

Andrew is the founder and leader of One Cause. He has a strong drive and won't give up until he is satisfied. He has a passion to serve the LORD and others, and that is how One Cause was born.

Andrew has played guitar since his Junior year in high school and has written songs ever since. He first started singing in Church (at the top of his lungs) as soon as he was old enough to sing. He then began to sing with his Grandpa Rex and the Ambassadors Gospel Quartet even when he was only two years old.


Vocals and Keys

Jayme is a huge part of One Cause and what we do. On the day of an event, she can be seen playing keys and singing her heart out. Her soft but powerful voice stands out as one of the greatest parts of One Cause as a band. She also helps with website design and keeping the band/mission on target.

Jayme began playing piano at a very young age and can play just about any song if you just give her time. The first song she learned (and still loves) is Amazing Grace. Jayme's vocals stand out as some of the best around, and you can tell she has been singing all of her life.


Vocals and Bass

Ian is our onboard genius! He brings a lot to the table when it comes to playing bass, singing harmonies, his passion for ending human trafficking, and random facts you will probably never need to know! No really, just ask him anything!

Ian has been singing for all of his life in Church and really took a liking to Drama and Choir in Middle/High School. He started playing bass just a couple years ago because One Cause needed a bass player, and he said "I can do it!" The rest is history!

Jared Wilkinson

Drums and Vocals

“An absolutely awesome guy!” - Everyone

But for real, everyone loves Jared (on and off the stage.) An outstanding guy and friend, and one heck of a drummer! Jared has been drumming and performing for many years, and it shows in his incredible drumming and stage presence. If you have a Jared around, hold him tight, cause if you don’t, someone else will!

Neil Gordon (Mr. G)

Harmonica (Blues Harp)

Whether you call him Mr. Gordon, Neil, or Mr. G, he’s a great guy all around!
Not every worship band has a harmonica player, but when they hear Mr. G on the reeds, they wonder why! Mr. G and his skills really set a unique tone to One Cause, and it’s a genuine treasure to have Mr. G around. He has played harmonica for a very long time, and it shows with his expertise and ability to figure out parts on the fly! The best part about Mr. G and his impact in One Cause is his genuine worship of his Savior Jesus Christ at every event you may find him!